Meet the Museum Staff

September 4, 2013
Next in our series of Meet the Maltz Museum Staff is Mark Davidson, Manger of School & Family Programs.  He’s the one you want to contact to schedule a tour for your school group, so why not get to know him first personally?

What is your all-time favorite album?
Kind of Blue by Miles Davis

What book are you currently reading?
Are You My Mother? by Allison Bechdel

If you could compare yourself to any fictional character, who would it be?
Any character played by Woody Allen in his “golden age” films, roughly Annie Hall to Hannah and Her Sisters

What item is always in your fridge?

Fruit in Jell-O: yes or no?

If I were James Lipton and we were on Inside the Actor’s Studio, which of the 10 Questions would most like me to ask you and how would you answer?
What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?: People who want easy answers to difficult questions

Attending any concerts in the near future?
Billy Bragg at The Kent Stage

What are your wishes to our blog readers, both Jewish and non-Jewish, this Rosh Hashanah?
May all of us start this New Year with a clean slate and love for each other

Anything else? Do you have a joke to share?
A mother is walking by the seashore with her son. Suddenly a huge wave crashes down on them and a riptide carries her son away. Hoping for a miracle, she looks up to heaven and promises she’ll do anything to have her son back: keep kosher, go to synagogue every Saturday, even be kind to her husband. Just as suddenly another wave comes crashing down, depositing her son at her feet, still alive and happy. She looks up to heaven once more and cries out, “Where’s his hat? He was wearing a hat!”


Maltz Museum